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Joy, P.P., Thomas, J. and Samuel Mathew. 1997. Cultivation and utilisation of  Kaempferia galanga. In: Supplement to Cultivation and Utilisation of Aromatic Plants. Ed. By S.S. Handa and M.K. Kaul

Joy, P.P., Thomas J., Mathew, S. and Skaria, B.P.2001. Medicinal Plants. In: Tropical Horticulture Vol.2 Ed: T.K. Bose, J. Kabir and P.P. Joy, p. 449-632 Naya Prakash, Culcutta

Joy, P.P., Thomas J., Mathew, S. and Skaria, B.P. 2001. Aromatic Plants In: Tropical Horticulture Vol.2 Ed: T.K. Bose, J. Kabir and P.P. Joy, p. 633-733 Naya Prakash, Culcutta

Thomas, J., Joy, P.P., Mathew, S., Skaria, B.P.  Joseph, T.S. and  Mathew, G.  2003. “¯çŒ£ñ¢ ëëü« ¨ªçÓç동励çï Šé®åªæü励çï” (Malayalam)  Aromatic and Medicinal Plants Research Station, Odakkali. P.143

Skaria, B.P, P.P.Joy,  S. Mathew,  G. Mathew, Joseph, A. and Joseph, R.    2007.  Aromatic Plants. Horticulture Science Series -1 (Ed. Peter, K.V.). New India Publishing Agency, New Delhi. 270p. (Rs.1950/-)

Skaria, B.P., Raj, M.N.  Joy P.P., Mathew, S., Mathew, G. and Joseph, A. 2009. “ഔഷധസസ്യകൃഷിയ്ക്ക് ഒരു വഴികാട്ടി” Aromatic and Medicinal Plants Research Station, Odakkali,  Kerala Agricultural University,   Trichur. 270p. (Rs.100/-)

Ancy Joseph, Gracy Mathew, Samuel Mathew, Sheela Karalam, 2016 "ഗൃഹൗഷധികളുടെ  കൃഷിരീതിയും ഉപയോഗവും" Aromatic and Medicinal Plants Research Station, Odakkali,  Kerala Agricultural University,   Trichur. 107p. (Rs.100/-)

Gracy Mathew, Ancy Joseph, Samuel Mathew, 2017 "സുഗന്ധതൈല സസ്യങ്ങൾ" Aromatic and Medicinal Plants Research Station, Odakkali,  Kerala Agricultural University,   Trichur. 79p. (Rs.100/-)

Gracy Mathew, Ancy Joseph, 2018 " ഈസ്റ്റിൻഡ്യൻ ഇഞ്ചിപ്പുല്ല്" Aromatic and Medicinal Plants Research Station, Odakkali,  Kerala Agricultural University,   Trichur. 19p. (Rs.30/-)



‘Medicinal and Aromatic Plants’ 2008. Skaria, B.P., Joy P.P., Mathew, S., Mathew, G. and Joseph, A. Aromatic and Medicinal Plants Research Station, Odakkali (Rs.100/-)


Book Chapters

Skaria, B.P.,  Joseph, R., Mathew, G.,  Mathew, S. 2003. Ginger cultivation in Kerala- Problems and remedies. In Indian Ginger- Production and Utilisation ( Eds. H.P. Singh and M. Tamil Selvan). Directorate of Arecanut and Spices Development, Govt. of India, Calicut pp 204-217

B.P.Skaria, P.P.Joy,  S. Mathew  and G. Mathew. 2006. Lemongrass.  In: Handbook of herbs and spices (Ed. Peter, K.V.) Woodhead Publishing Limited, England.

B.P.Skaria, P.P.Joy,  S. Mathew, G. Mathew and Joseph, A... 2008 (various chapters) In: Hmj[nIfneqsS BtcmKyw – a®n\pw a\pjy\pw (Eds. N. Mini Raj, E.V. Nybe, M. Asha Sankar and Lissamma Joseph). Dept. of Plantation Crops, College of Horticulture, Kerala Agricultural University, Thrissur. Pp.166-198

Baby P. Skaria, Gracy Mathew,P.P. Joy. 2009. Organic cultivation of Aromatic plants. Chapter in :- Production Technology for Organic spices (Edi:- M Tamil selvan, Homey Cheriyan, K Manojkumar, Babulal Meena). Directorate of Arecanut and Spices Development, Govt. of India, Calicut p 86-- 107





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Aromatic & Medicinal Plants Research Station
Kerala Agricultural University
Odakkali, Asamannoor P.O.
Ernakulam District Kerala 683549
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