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Bioactivity laboratory

The two storied building of 6000 sq ft was constructed under ICAR Institutional grant project (2013-14) ‘Strengthening Research on Medicinal Plants & Bioactive Components’;

It is designated for intensive research in medicinal plants to identify new biomolecules which can be developed into products for human health care and as safe tools for crop pests and disease control.

The laboratory has the following facilities:

  • Special Equipments Rooms
  • Cell Culture Lab
  • Immunology Lab
  • Microbiology Lab
  • Sterilization Room
  • Decontamination Room

In the course of being equipped with hitech instruments, programmes are initiated for development of pest and disease control products in collaboration with the Departments of Entomology and Plant Pathology of College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara.