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Dr. Ancy Joseph

Professor (Horticulture)
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Research areas

Bio-prospecting of underexploited medicinal plants




Presently involved in medicinal plant research and nursery and farm management activities at Aromatic and Medicinal Plants Research Station, Odakkali.


Selected publications

Ancy Joseph, Simi Mary J, Krishnadeetha CV, Gnananath K,  Sajini S, Bichu Das. 2019. In vitro screening of selected zingiberales for antioxidant, antifungal, anthelmintic and cytotoxic activities,  Proceedings of 31st Kerala Science Congress, 2-3 February 2019 at Fatima Mata National College, Kollam, page 12-13.

Samuel Mathew, Ancy Joseph, Sumi VS and Anitha Susan Antony.2018. Comparative evaluation of mango varieties and extraction methods for antioxidnat activity, Abstracts of 27th Swadesi science congress, 7-9 Nov. 2018, organised by Swadesi Science movement & NIIST, Tvm at NIIST, page 22

Gracy Mathew &Ancy Joseph. 2018. ODV -33: A promising vetiver accession for coastal sandy tract of Kerala,  Indian Journal of Arecanut, Spices and Medicinal plants 20 (1): 10-13

Ancy Joseph, Samuel Mathew, Gnananath K, Simi Mary J, Krishnadeetha CV, Sajini S , Bichu Das,  Ajit KS. 2016. In vitro screening of methanolic extracts of aerial parts of MyristicafragransHoutt against phytopathogenic fungi, brine shrimps and earthworms. Proceedings of 9thNational Seminar on Medicinal Plants” organized by Govt Ayurveda College, Thiruvananthapuram during 14-15, January, 2016 at Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology, Thiruvananthapuram. pp 204-209

Ancy Joseph, Chandrasekharan Nair, A.M, Samuel Mathew, Baby P. Skaria and Sheeja EC 2015. Identification of anti- inflammatory constituents from roots of Artanemasesamoidesby HPLC coupled with time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Proceedings of International Conference on Frontiers of Mass Spectrometry (ICMS-2015)’ organized by Inter University Instrumentation Centre during 11-14, December, 2015 at Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam pp.

Ancy Joseph, B. Thayumananvan and Pournami R. Panicker. 2012. Characterization of polyphenol oxidase in ginger (Zingiberofficinale R.). J. Spices, Arom. Crops, 21 (1) : 33-41

Ancy Joseph, B. Thayumanavan, AManickam, and Pournami R Panicker, 2010. Screening of methanolic extract of mesquite leaves (Prosopisjuliflora) against selected phytopathogenic fungi and activity guided isolation of an antifungal flavonoid. JMAPS 32 (3)  235-238.

Ancy Joseph,Chandrasekharan Nair, A.M., Samuel Mathew, Baby P. Skaria, Sheeja E.C and Sibil Jose, 2010.Evaluation of antioxidant and antiinflammatory activity of Artanemasesamoides.South Indian Hort. 58: 177- 181.

Samuel Mathew, Ancy Joseph, Sheela K., Biji Joseph, Baby P Skaria, Joy P.P., Gracy Mathew. 2016. Comparative Evaluation of Antioxidant capacity of selected medicinal trees by different assay techniques. Proceedings of 9thNational Seminar on Medicinal Plants” organized by Govt Ayurveda College, Thiruvananthapuram during 14-15, January, 2016 at Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology, Thiruvananthapuram.  pp. 123-131

Ancy Joseph, Chandrasekharan A.M. Samuel Mathew., Baby P. Skaria, Sheeja E. C. and  Savita V. Rajan. 2009. Preliminary Screening of Ipomoea Mauritiana Tuber Extracts for Anti- Inflammatory Activity.  National Seminar on ‘Molecules to Drugs’, Mar Athanasius College, Kothamangalam, Kerala, 21-22 January 2009. 16-17

Ancy Joseph, Chandrasekharan Nair, A.M., Samuel Mathew, Baby P. Skaria, Sheeja E.C. 2010. Antioxidant and antiinflammatory activities of Argyreiaspeciosa  Sweet (Hawaiian Baby Woodrose). Proceedings of State level Seminar on Modern Methods in Herbal Drug Development, July 28, & 29, 2010 held at BharathMatha College, Thrikkakkara, Kochi- 21. pp 54-60

Ancy Joseph, K.N. Satheesan and T.G. Jomy. 2007. Seed germination studies in some Garcinia spp. J. Spices and Aromatic Crops.16(2):118-121.

Books and CD

  1. Gracy Mathew,Ancy Joseph,  Ashiba A. 2018. Propagation Manual of  Medicinal Plants, Aromatic and Medicinal Plants Research Station, Odakkali,  Kerala Agricultural University,   Trichur
  2. Gracy Mathew, Ancy Joseph. 2018. CuÌn³Uy³ C©n¸pÃv .Aromatic and Medicinal Plants Research Station, Odakkali,  Kerala Agricultural University,   Trichur
  3. Ancy Joseph,   Gracy Mathew, 2017. Krluj[nIfpsSIrjncoXnbpw D]tbmKhpw(Malayalam), Directorate of Extension, Kerala Agricultural University,   Trichur  115 p
  4. Gracy Mathew, Ancy Joseph2017. kpKÔssXekky§Ä” Directorate of Extension, Kerala Agricultural University,   Trichur79 p
  5. Skaria, B.P.,  Joy P.P., Mathew, S., Mathew, G. and Joseph, A. 2008. CD on ‘Medicinal and Aromatic Plants’. Aromatic and Medicinal Plants Research Station, Odakkali
  6. Baby P. Skaria, Joy, P.P., Samuel Mathew, Gracy  Mathew, Ancy Joseph. andRagina Joseph. 2006. Aromatic plants. Horticulture Science Series Vol. 1. Ed. K.V. Peter. New India Publishing Agency, New Delhi p270.