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a. Technology dissemination on medicinal and aromatic plants

The main objectives 
Impart awareness about the importance and scope of medicinal plants, demand of crude drugs, market possibilities etc. 
Empowerment of farmers for cultivation through trainings , providing technical assistance at all stages of cultivation, processing and marketing, product quality certification, market intelligence 
b. Quality testing services offered to the public from Regional Analytical Laboratory

  1. Quality evaluation of aromatic oils
  2. Quality evaluation of medicinal plants and crude drugs

c. Agri clinic: For cultivation and plant protection of crops

d.Sales Centre: For providing planting materials, KAU products and publications

This station has an Information and Sales Centre for large-scale production and distribution of quality planting materials of Medicinal & Aromatic plants in the state and caters to the needs of cultivators all over the country. KAU products and publications are also available.

ISC also supplies planting materials of  improved varieties of timber trees, fruit crops, vegetable crops, plantation  crops, spices and ornamental crops in addition to Aromatic & Medicinal plants.

e. Web site (http://amprsagrotech.nic.in) on medicinal and aromatic plants