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Future Outlook

  • The station looks forward to its future in the fields of bioprostecting, bioproduction, phytochemistry, botanicals development and technology management.
  • Emphasis will be given for evolving superior plant types with high oil yield and citral content in lemon grass.
  • Research on other potential aromatic and medicinal plants will be intensified to develop technologies for large scale as well as homestead cultivation of suitable and commercially viable aromatic and medicinal plants.
  • Efforts will also be directed for designing and developing fuel efficient high recovery distillation units.
  • Basic and applied aspect of post harvest technology of essential oils and medicinal plants will be given emphasis.
  • Research will be directed to extraction, isolation, identification and utilisation of natural products.
  • Synthesis of natural based commercial products like disinfectants/  bioinsecticides/ repellants, natural colouring/ flavouring agents, medicinal principles etc. will be attempted.
  • A systematic survey of the western ghats for medicinal and aromatic plants has to be done.
  • Technologies for large scale as well as homestead cultivation of export potential aromatic plants will be developed.
  • The Regional Analytical Laboratory of the station is envisaged to take up the role of quality testing and monitoring for the interest of both the cultivators and the exporters.
  • Realising the potential role of genetic engineering and biotechnology in natural product synthesis, research will be taken up in this line to meet the future challenges.
  • Research activities will be geared up to elevate this centre to the status of a Centre of Excellence on Aromatic and Medicinal Plants in the country.
  • A Bioactive Laboratory building also has been constructed in the centre. It is designated for intensive research on bioactive components of medicinal plants to identify new plant sources and new biomolecules for safer products for human health care and pests and disease control in crops. 
  • The station is functioning in close laison with National Medicinal Plants Board, State Medicinal Plants Board, State Horticulture Mission, Directorate of Arecanut and Spices development, other sister departments under Government, line industries, traders, entrepreneurs, print and electronic media and farmers.