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Climate and soil

The station is situated at an elevation of 60 m above MSL and represents the typical soil and agroclimatic features of the mid lands of the Kerala state.  The mean rainfall is 3318mm; with south-west monsoon contributing 55.7%, north-east monsoon 28.8%, summer showers 2.4% and the remaining as pre-monsoon showers. The mean number of rainy days is 166 per annum. The mean maximum and minimum temperatures are 32.6oC and 20oC, respectively. The relative humidity ranges between 44% and 95%.  The soil is gravelly clay loam, dark yellowish brown and well drained with weak fine granular structure. It has a pH of 5.5, The  soil  organic carbon content is medium, available  P2O5  is  high (40kg  ha-1)  and available  K2O is rated as low. The  entire area has  been grouped  under  Class IIc, IIIc, IVc & IVcs according  to  land  capability classification.